Dissertation Writing: Title Type and Size

Longer texts on paper are read better with serifs Times, Times New Roman, etc., and sans-serif fonts can be used for titles (but need not). In any case, various font styles and sizes cannot be mixed. The font size for the text run select best 12 points. Awards you wish to use as I said, sparse, italics for examples, simple quotation marks for important information, double quotation marks for quotes.

If you need a phonetic script, I recommend reading the writings of the SIL. The freely available Unicode font with serifs, DoulosSIL is suitable for most operating systems and dissertation writing programs. For a percentage of the spacing distance is something bigger that you can leave it or if it will look nicer, enter a fixed line spacing of 18 p in the default template.

Line spacing, margins

Your text must be corrected, but it needs space, specifically. Between the lines and also on the edge Therefore, use one 1/2-zeiligen distance or fixed line spacing of 18 p and an edge on the right side, which leaves room for notes, so 3-4 inches, which is unusual, but practical.


Chapters are numbered in the decimal. Each table, each graphic is numbered and labelled so that it can be referenced in the text. The pages of the text, beginning with the introduction, numbered.


Headings can be awarded with a different font and / or bold. A headline closes without punctuation. Except for a question with a question mark.


The bibliography lists all the literature used. It is the list in alphabetical order by author. Only with many primary texts (e.g. work in linguistic history or empirical linguistic work to literary or journalistic texts) these are listed separately. If an author / an author published several texts, these are listed in chronological order. With several publications in the same year is in alphabetical order and a small Latin letter appended to the year (this must be considered also cite in the text).

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